2013-01-13    John W        John W's previous articles

 The new translation after one year  - readers' views.
Our views can give courage to our bishops,
                   to help them become "tank bishops"!


In most English-speaking parts of the world, the new translation has now been in use for a year. A number of websites and magazines have been conducting surveys to see what people think after one year of the new translation

This website now invites its readers to have their say. No need to use your real name. No need to use your email address. Just use your heart to say how you feel about the new translation

Over the past two weeks while I've been in Australia on holidays, I've heard many people express their views about the new translation. These people are regular Mass goers.  Their ages range from the 20's to the 80's.

What I've heard confirms what I've read about people's views in other countries. There is a great deal of concern about the new translation. A great deal of disappointment. A great deal of unhappiness.

Is there any use expressing our concern, our disappointment? Can it make any difference?

It can! If enough ordinary people speak up, it will give some bishops the courage to speak up to the Vatican.
Just like crowd support at a sports function can lift a player's performance, so people's voices can move the hearts of bishops

Look at the change that came over Archbishop Romero in El Salvador! He went from being a "don't rock the boat" bureaucrat to one of the bravest leaders the Church has ever known....as he increasingly experienced his people's needs and
heard their voices crying out for leadership

Just yesterday I re-read how the late Cardinal Winning of Scotland, at a meeting in the Vatican, stood up to the Roman Curia concerning the way it had bullied the bishops' conferences over the new translation. Cardinal Winning was a tank cardinal!

The same article makes the point that the bishops need to know that they have both our encouragement and our support in speaking up for the good of their people

I know of at least one retired bishop, I wont say in which country, who has stopped saying public Masses....because he will not compromise his principles by using the new translation. He is a tank bishop!

So.....please take a moment to post a comment below. No need for long comments (unless you feel inspired). Just a couple of sentences is fine.
And as usual, best not to mention real names/places etc.

Thank you for supporting this survey. May it help even one  bishop find the courage of Romero.  One tank man can stop a line of tanks!

File of articles re the new translation

Comments from readers  (More comments most welcome. Please send to jdwomi@gmail.com and they'll be added to comment file)