2013-02-17      John W                     John W's previous articles


Church's Obama Moment


Four years ago tears were streaming down my face (and the faces of millions of others around the world) as I had an evening meal in a canteen in Hong Kong. The canteen TV was showing the inauguration of an African American as President of the United States

I remember thinking: the US has got all sorts of problems, and has many things going wrong, but for white Americans to heavily support a black man as President, something is wonderfully right

This time next month, I wonder if the tears will again be flowing, for the first black pope in the Church's history?  

He's not perfect - who is? He's made mistakes - who hasn't? But he is now the front runner to be the next pope: Cardinal Peter Turkson from Ghana

When George W. Bush defeated John Kerry in 2004, Democrats "kicked themselves" for not working harder during the election campaign. They thought they would win easily, but Republicans were more energetic on the ground in getting electors to turn out

So in 2008 Democrats were much more hard working....with a stronger candidate...and won

In 2005, people like me didn't do enough to pray for the conclave. We thought another John Paul II would not be elected. We thought Cardinal Ratzinger didn't have a chance. We were wrong....and didn't allow for the scandalous king-making that went on at the conclave

So in 2013, I am taking this conclave much more seriously....with an extra bit of praying and fasting.....that the next pope will return to the vision of Vatican II....and will not compromise his principles

Last Wednesday, at another canteen, at the staff centre of Hei Ling Chau Drug Treatment Centre, as I waited for a ferry, I walked past a TV which happened to have the news on....with President Obama giving his State of the Union address

After 20 seconds I kept walking, because his words about military spending and defence left me sad when I think how he supports drone attacks in Pakistan, and has increased - not decreased - America's nuclear stockpile. Obama has not been strong enough to stand up to the military lobby

So in 2013 I pray that IF a black pope is elected, he will be strong enough to stand up to all sorts of non-Vatican II lobbying that goes on at the Vatican

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