2013-03-11      John W              John W's previous articles

 Praying for a Romero Pope

One part of my heart is very pessimistic about the conclave:
I fear the next pope will be a John Paul Benedict I
....and things will continue to deteriorate in the Church

But another part of my heart remembers the story of Archbishop Óscar Romero who was assassinated on March 24, 1980 in El Salvador. Romero had been a good priest, a good bishop....but a very conservative one

But then, not long after becoming an archbishop, he underwent a transformation and courageously began speaking up against injustice

Would that the cardinals, on the night before they begin voting, could together watch the movie Romero  (..see reviews..)

Dear Cardinals...the whole movie is here, on YouTube...enjoy... and be inspired....to produce a Pope Óscar!

See also this 2012 documentary Monsenor

May the cardinals, and especially the new pope, undergo a Romero transformation!  Not so much as to oppose injustice in the world, as to have the courage to reform the Church!  

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