2013-03-16       John W         John W's previous articles

Pope Francis - Day Two


The news from yesterday was all good: Francis declining to wear full trappings, standing (instead of sitting on throne) to receive cardinals, travelling in mini-bus and ordinary car instead of papal Mercedes, speaking in Italian instead of Latin, immediately calling for renewal

Also good were reports of his activities as a cardinal and bishop:
strong ecumenical ties, visiting slums, declining to use 1962 Mass, declining to use Benedict's changes to vernacular Mass

Maybe now the Year of Faith and the 50th Anniversary of Vatican II will take on a whole new meaning!

Maybe now a genuine return to the vision of Vatican II

DV Francis will be able to downsize the papacy, downsize the Curia and bring about a real Franciscan rebuilding (= renewal) of the Church 

Re the conclave:  must have been a big shock for the JPII-BXVI-Opus Dei ticket-Bertone ticket. But no doubt Francis' humility and friendliness will win many of them over

My heart tells me Francis will invite Benedict to the installation ceremony.
And Benedict will graciously and humbly give Francis his blessing and promise him obedience. As one Tablet item on today's menu says, maybe Benedict's resignation was a tactical move to give his successor a golden chance to clean up the Curia

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