2013-03-18     John W     John W's previous articles

Will Pope Francis give Communion on the hand?

Does anyone have any information about this? Please post a comment in the comment box below

When he was a cardinal, did he give Communion on the hand?
I suspect he did. But I can't find anything about this on internet (albeit after only a brief search)

One (reform of the reform) report said he declined to implement Benedict's changes to the vernacular (= Spannish) Mass....I presume this refers to Benedict's instruction to use "for many" instead of "for all" at the Consecration of the Mass

Same report says that Francis as a cardinal has never used the 1962 Mass

This means Francis will not support the "reform-of-the-reform".
Rather he will begin the "reform of the-reform-of-the-reform"!

This also means the whole liturgical battleground, especially the issue of the new translation in English, is about to see a new campaign begin, with more and more people abandoning the new translation

May Francis have the wisdom and courage to undo the "reform of the reform" in a way that causes minimal damage and promotes maximum consensus

Final thought:  imagine what might have been happening the past few days if this candidate had been elected pope (...same candidate must now be having all sorts of mixed thoughts about future direction of Church!)

And an extra final thought: one of several parishes in Hong Kong which has for some time banned Communion under both kinds....has a ghastly announcement before Communion at every Mass to the effect "If you're not in the state of grace, you should not receive Communion. A priest is now available in the box to hear confessions".  Same parish is run by an institute which was founded in ...wait for it.....a country in South America...wait for it...which has just produced one Pope Francis!  I wonder if above said parish will soon allow Communion on the hand after they see Pope Francis giving Communion on the hand?  I hope so!