2013-03-24        John W        John W's previous articles

          Today's Romero anniversary will inspire Pope Francis

On this day 1980, a Monday, Archbishop Oscar Romero was gunned down while saying Mass at a hospital chapel, one day after a two hour homily in which he had called on Salvadoran soldiers, as Christians, to obey God's higher order and to stop carrying out the government's repression and violations of basic human rights. According to an audio-recording of the Mass, he was shot while elevating the chalice, just after the homily

In today's Palm Sunday Mass in Rome, no doubt Pope Francis will refer to Romero as someone who followed Jesus in laying down his life for others, a martyr for truth and justice

Reports like this one indicate that Romero's canonization will come very soon under the papacy of Pope Francis. Given that Francis is 76 and may not undertake too many long trips, it is possible he might pay a visit to El Salvador before or after World Youth Day in July in Brazil.....and canonize Romero in El Salvador. Possibly no need for beatification before canonization for such a martyr?

Today's anniversary will also no doubt stir Francis' blood and steel him to take decisive action in the renewal of the Church. Romero's courage will give courage to Francis to reform a Curial structure which misinformed John Paul II about Romero

And if Pope Francis has any regrets about what more he could have done to help human rights people during Argentina's "Dirty War", Romero's anniversary will surely move him to make up for the past....and encourage him to take an active stand in supporting human rights around the world


I have bought and read ....and given away to prisoners...every book written by Joseph Girzone.  In one of them, I can't remember which one, he has almost a whole chapter about his visit to Romero in El Salvador. I think he was present for Romero's final Sunday Mass. Girzone said that well-meaning but misguided evangelicals from the US had, like some of Romero's fellow bishops, compromised themselves with the military, and been among Romero's critics. Girzone also said that the soldier who shot Romero was a former altar boy of Romero who had been influenced by the evangelicals

Romero's last two days were spent largely with Girzone. Girzone was stunned on his return to the US to hear the news that Romero had been murdered only a matter of hours after they had parted. 

Can anyone please recall which Girzone book has this story?  Please put in comment box below.  Girzone's words about Romero are particularly moving. If you can scan them for me, please send to jdwomi@gmail.com and I'll put them on this website

See also:

Praying for a Romero Pope

Spanish-speaking Pope - reflects on Romero/Francis

Looking to the example of Romero

A prophet for all ages by the translator of Romero's homilies

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