2013-04-03      John W                   John W's previous articles


Pope Francis' "peculiar" actions should be common

Somewhere in the last day of two, I can't remember where, a website      comment made the point that the Pope's actions are being highlighted as "peculiar" and "unusual"....yet in fact they should be normal and common and usual

The problem is that actions like living simply, showing special care for the poor, avoiding ostentation etc  ....should be common and usual for church leaders, but in fact are not so common....and so, when Francis displays such qualities, they are called "peculiar"

This shows how far we have moved away from the Good News, which calls on all church leaders all the time to be showing the above qualities

As his namesake once called the Church back to true Gospel values,
may Pope Francis be successful in calling today's church leaders back to values which should be common, not rare, not "peculiar" 

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