2013-04-06       John  W        John W's previous articles


Keeping up to date with Pope Francis

When I was in the seminary about 100 years ago, I was a keen follower of Pope Paul VI.   In magazines like "The Pope Speaks" and "Christ to the World"  I devoured everything he wrote

Then when Pope John Paul came along, my enthusiasm for papal pronouncements waned.  I remembered thinking that reading John Paul was like mining for diamonds.....gems buried under a lot of other stuff.
Mind you, I did like his work on "The Lord's Day"....and even produced
a question and answer summary of it for parishioners and prisoners

Lord forgive me, but I read very little of Pope Benedict. Had no taste, no interest.

But now with Pope Francis I'm back to keen mode. I find his every speech is inspiring, electrifying.  Maybe it's because he has the only authority that really matters in today's world: moral authority
....he practices what he preaches

So, I intend to read all his writings, and on this website I will try to link every one of his writings and speeches.  I hope this will make it easier for many people to keep up to date with Pope Francis

Shouldn't say this ....but...what the heck:  following Pope Francis is like following Black Caviar!!!   (Please ignore the betting links!)
Exciting, stirring, electrifying

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