2013-06-15      John W         John W's previous articles


Pope Francis and Gnosticism 


At a meeting on June 6, Pope Francis is reported to have expressed concern about two trends: Pelagiansim and Gnosticism.
Re Pelagianism see this article of June 13: Pope Francis and Pelagianism

Re Gnosticism, this is what he said, according to this report (whose English is not "native" ...a continuing problem with Francis' speeches....they are not being translated well)

The second [concern] is for a Gnostic current. Those Pantheisms... Both are elite currents, but this one is of a more educated elite... I heard of a superior general that prompted the sisters of her congregation to not pray in the morning, but to spiritually bathe in the cosmos, things like that... They concern me because they ignore the incarnation! And the Son of God became our flesh, the Word was made flesh, and in Latin America we have flesh abundantly [de tirar al techo]! What happens to the poor, their pains, this is our flesh...

The gospel is not the old rule ((...Pelagianism..)), nor this Pantheism. If you look at the periphery; the destitute... the drug addicts! The traffic of people... This is the gospel. The poor are the gospel...

Gnosticism is an artificial separation of the physical world and the spiritual world....leading to a shunning of the physical world and an embracing of the spiritual world

What the Pope is getting at is that God the Son embraced the physical world, he "pitched his tent" in the middle of our physical world, and he taught his followers to incarnate his love among the physical poor.  Christianity is a mud-on-the-boots religion, a down-to-earth practice, not a pie-in-the-sky theory

To go further:  Christianity is a religion of prayer, but genuine prayer should lead to "going out" in service of the poor.  If our Christianity is just a "spiritual" thing ...just something we do in a church or during a time of prayer ....and is not interested in love of neighbour ....we have lost the plot

Pope Francis' words apply to much "New Age" thinking.  c.f. "New Age" is old Gnosticism by Archbishop Thomas Wenski

Maybe some kind readers could please throw light on this topic.
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