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The 16 Documents of Vatican II


 160:   Based on the Vatican II document 
Gaudium et Spes (Church in the world) 
Article 58


"The Church, sent to all peoples of every time and place,
is not bound exclusively and indissolubly to any race or nation,
any particular way of life or any customary way of life recent or ancient"

Historically, Christianity has been regarded as a "European" religion.
Vatican II in article 58 is trying to correct this image.

Pope John Paul II tried to universalise the cardinalate
by installing cardinals from all over the world

Unfortunately, Pope Benedict and his European Curia
are returned to the European mode (c.f. 2012 update)

Jesus, your Church is a house of prayer for all the nations.
Please let the internationality of the Church be a fact rather than a theory


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