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The 16 Documents of Vatican II


 174:   Based on the Vatican II document 
Gaudium et Spes (Church in the world) 
Article 73



This article on politics is as relevant today as when it was written 50 years ago:

"The present keener sense of human dignity has given rise in many parts of the world
to attempts to bring about a politico-juridical order
which will give better protection to the rights of the person in public life.
These include the right freely to meet and form associations,
the right to express one's own opinion and to profess one's religion both publicly and privately.
The protection of the rights of a person is indeed a necessary condition
so that citizens, individually or collectively, can take an active part in the life and government of the state.

Along with cultural, economic and social development,
there is a growing desire among many people
to play a greater part in organizing the life of the political community.
In the conscience of many arises an increasing concern
that the rights of minorities be recognized,
without any neglect for their duties toward the political community.
In addition, there is a steadily growing respect for people of other opinions or other religions.

However, those political systems, prevailing in some parts of the world
are to be reproved which hamper civic or religious freedom,
victimize people through avarice and political crimes,
and divert the exercise of authority from the service of the common good
to the interests of one or another faction or of the rulers themselves.

There is no better way to establish political life on a truly human basis
than by fostering an inward sense of justice and kindliness,
and of service to the common good,
and by strengthening basic convictions
as to the true nature of the political community and the aim, right exercise, and sphere of action of public authority."

Jesus, may political leaders give a good example
in fostering a sense of justice and kindness


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