Previous reflections 

The 16 Documents of Vatican II


Reflection 414  Based on the 1965 Vatican II document: 
Decree on The Media of Social Communications
- Article 17
(Comments welcome here)


This article is a strong challenge to Catholics to support the media apostolate of the Church, financially and by their patronage.

Most places have a Catholic paper...but very few Catholics read it.
Can't blame them: many Catholic papers are too clerical.
Some papers week after week on the front page have pictures of the dear bishop or priests.

When I was a teenager, the Brisbane "Catholic Leader" was eagerly read by a big number of Catholics because the editor used have many articles on current social issues. Editors in those days had much more freedom than today's editors who work within censorship guidelines about what they may or may not discuss

Once again: Diocesan paper's bold re-structuring plan

Jesus, please help Catholic papers keep going!