Previous reflections   The 16 Documents of Vatican II Resolution  

 98:  Based on Articles 83-101 of  The Sacred Liturgy "SACROSANCTUM CONCILIUM" 

This whole chapter is devoted to the Divine Office, "the breviary":

"By tradition going back to early Christian times,
the divine office is devised so that the whole course of the day and night
is made holy by the praises of God"

In many places lay people join with priests and religious
for the praying of Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer
- as recommended by the Council

But the "breviary" is not a simple creature.
You need a degree in pagefinding
to be on the right page at the right time

Pagefinding is also a distracting affair:
not easy to focus on prayer when your mind
is trying to keep up with the page finding

Many priests and religious have simplified the breviary
- as allowed by the Council and local bishops -
a combo of hymns, Scripture and breviary

My own practice:

- when I kneel down for a prayer at bedside at start of day, I also use Psalm 94/95
- Morning Prayer is my daily Bible Plan + Benedictus
- during the day I use the Rosary beads to pray about the Bible Plan
- evening prayer is Bible Plan again + Magnificat
- Night Prayer, on my knees before bed,  is one final look at Bible Plan + "Nunc Dimittis"

See: Computer Cud

Jesus, please protect and increase our love for prayer
from morning till night


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